

We offer different trainings adapted to your needs, preconditions and prior knowledge. Our workshops and lectures have a solid grounding in research and best practice and range from introductory level on suppresion techniques and sexual harassment to specialist training in case management for responsible managers and specialists.

Review of the organization and work routines

Together with your in-house staff we review your organization in order to identify strenghts and weaknesses in terms of managing and preventing discrimination, and write and implement new or revise existing work routines and policy if needed. The review takes as its staring point both chapter 2 and 3 in the Discrimination Act, covering the reactive and proactive obligations. Because discrimination is a societal issue any large organization will have to manage cases, but by building a proactive and reactive structure it is possible to lessen the risk and the organizational vulnerability for discrimination and harasment. It is also possible to minimize the risk for the most severe and damaging incidents by catching cases early on before they can escalate.

Case management

We conduct investigations as per the rules in chapter 2 of the Discrimination Act and make recommendations in regards to how the situation can be managed from legal, social and organizational perspectives. Investigations are conducted quickly and discreetly and with a focus on managing highly sensitive situations in the short and long term. In all investigations we take the role of an independent third party, meaning that we do not represent the employer or any presumed victim or perpetrator.

Cohesive strategy

One common mistake in many organizations is to face inequality issues with too onesided methods, perspectives, and competencies. For example, occupational health services tends to focus on the health of individuals and therefore lacks the tools to handle the social context and group dynamics, while a onesided legal perspective tends to focus on single events that may lead to lawsuits, but without seeing other damaging effects or the context in which the discrimination has emerged. All too often, specific anti-discrimination competencies are missing altogether. We choose instead to let the varied perspectives and competencies cooperate, allowing each of them to fill their specific role, in what we call a cohesive strategy against discrimination and harassment. We hold that inequality issues like discrimination and harassment needs to be countered by a team with composite and broad competencies.